Giving Back

It truly is better to give than to receive. We’re grateful for the opportunity to use our work to bless others and bring them hope.

At Novacom, we feel incredibly fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the world, and to have safety, shelter, and the ability to earn a living for our families. We know that many people in our own communities and around the world are struggling, and we have a heart to help and bring them hope. We’ve found that giving back provides purpose that profit or success will never be able to, and so we’re driven to use our resources to make a difference in transforming lives and communities.


Shelter Canada

Since 2009 we’ve partnered with Shelter Canada to build homes in El Salvador for families in need. We’ve sent teams of our employees, family members, and partners, and have been privileged to build homes for over 70 families. We are sending a team again in January 2018 with the goal of building 20 more homes.

These homes are far more than just shelter and security, as they also provide hope and opportunities for families. After moving into their new homes, many mothers are then able to work outside the home to support their families, without fear of their belongings being stolen. The hope that these homes bring to each community is clearly visible each year, as people are inspired to dream bigger and chase after opportunities they wouldn’t have thought possible.

Learn more
Shelter Canada
Novacom in El Salvador Blog

Ronald McDonald House

For the past 3 years, we’ve been privileged to support Ronald McDonald House BC, Southern Alberta, and Manitoba through the sponsorship of their golf tournaments and other events.

Ronald McDonald House supports families by providing accommodation and care while their children are in nearby hospitals receiving care. Many of these families are from remote areas, and it would be cost prohibitive for them to stay in hotels for long periods of time. RMH allows them to stay together as a family during a an incredibly difficult time. It also allows kids to experience as much of a normal life as possible, with games, toys, and other activities.

Learn more
RMH Southern Alberta
RMH Manitoba

Love Does

Love Does is an organization that is focused on supporting people in conflict zones, where aid and help often don’t reach.

Their most recent initiative is to build a hospital for women and children in Mosul, Iraq, which has been ravaged by the fight with ISIS. We’ve been privileged to partner with them through the sponsorship of a golf tournament in August 2017, which in total raised $1M to build the hospital and operate it for 4 years.

Learn More
Love Does Hospital

Recent Posts

January 11th, 2019

Day 7 – Celebration and Thanks

Today was a day of celebration! We gathered with our 20 families and officially presented them the keys to their new homes. Our team members...

January 10th, 2019

Day 6 – Part Of Something Bigger Than Ourselves

On our third and final day of building, our team of 19, along with an incredible number of volunteers and Shelter Canada workers completed the...

January 9th, 2019

Day 5 – Houses Will Become Homes

Today was a beautiful day seeing teamwork in action that allowed us to give 7 families new homes. We also started building our 8th and 9th...