Morning broke beautifully in San Salvador and we woke excited to get to Victoria to begin building houses. We traveled the rugged roads for 2 1/2 hours northeast into the beautiful mountains that border Honduras. Before we embarked on our travels, we had to take a group photo.
The views and sights along the way were incredible. Just outside of San Salvador we passed Chichontepeque, an active volcano. It thankfully has been inactive for the past 20 years!
Many of our team are still without their luggage so we stopped at San Vicente’s local market to experience their version of Wal Mart.
With many miles traveled through the incredible countryside, which wound us into lush mountains and through small towns, we came to Victoria. Any travel weariness was shaken off when we arrived to a room filled with the 20 beautiful families who would be receiving a home this week. What beautiful faces and people, and what a privilege it will be to serve them.
Lastly, we cannot end this post without introducing you to Pablito and Rosita, our hosts for the week. As our day concluded, Pablito shared they just lost their daughter in December and are now caring for her two young children. As a team, we are asking how we can support this family and encourage them this week. They are people of such faith and grace in this community, but we can see their hearts are hurting and we want to lift them up and love them, just as they have loved so many here in Victoria.