As the shift towards re-opening the economy moves forward, we continue to prioritize the well-being of our team members, trades and partners. From day one, we have been doing everything in our power to ensure our sites continue to operate and our client’s needs are met. We have been and will continue to monitor the recommendations for best practices by our federal and local governments as well as WHO, CDC and WCB. Our strategy and safe work practices will continue to be refined as required.
Here are some of the ways we are approaching our new reality. This is truly a team effort and we appreciate all of our employees, trades and partners who have worked so hard to do their part.
Construction Site Health and Safety Approach

Office Health and Safety Approach
For the most part, our office team has been working remotely since early March. With the introduction of Phase 2 by the BC Government, we are doing a gradual re-opening of our office. There are however some important protocols that our team is following and that our trades and partners should be aware of.
- Until further notice, we are doing a limited number of people in our office at one time. A schedule has been outlined for staggered workdays where only half of our office staff at anytime will be in the office with the balance of the team working remotely.
- Seating charts have been presented to staff so that we do not share work spaces and so that we can maintain physical distancing while at the office.
- Our boards room, meeting rooms, offices and lounge all have limited occupancy limits with signs stating the number of people allowed at any one time.
- Scheduled cleanings will be done throughout the week to ensure the office is clean. Team members will also be required to sanitize their workstations at end of day.
- Meetings can be held if occupancy limit of the room is not exceeded. Virtual meetings are encouraged when possible.
- Our front door will be locked to visitors and deliveries. Visitors must book an appointment with one of our team members in advance and deliveries will be left at the front door.
- The standard protocol is in place for anyone having symptoms, being around someone with symptoms or who has recently travelled.
- Sanitation stations are set-up throughout the office and masks are available in the event team members are not able to maintain physical distancing.
For a copy of our full WCB Covid Safety Plan, please contact us at
COR Certified
Novcom is a COR Certified Company. Occupational Health and Safety is embedded into our daily values. For more information on our Health & Safety approach click here. Or for more information on what it means to be a COR Certified Company click here.